I love to solve problems – Student who developed retina-rectifying technique

Bashir Dodo, the award-winning Nigerian student at Brunel University, London who just developed a new technique for improving retinal disease diagnosis, shares his experience in this interview with CHUX OHAI

How did you come about the idea to develop a technique for improving retinal disease diagnosis?

There are many methods for the diagnosis. However, they usually follow a complicated framework towards the development of the algorithms. Our method stands out due to its simplicity, speed and accuracy. When I was a child, I noticed that my mother used to like crossword puzzles and riddles.

This has helped in developing this algorithm, which is all about logic and reasoning. We take some principles of perceptual grouping, such as similarity, differences, continuity and discontinuity, which forms the basis of image segmentation algorithms. The idea was that if segmentation is based on these principles, then utilising them as guidelines to develop more efficient methods is a good way forward.

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