Education sector in dire need of intervention — Oando Foundation

Image result for oando foundationThrough our signature project, the Adopt-a-School initiative, we are committed to providing a holistic and integrated approach to basic education which includes creating better learning environments, leveraging resources through partnerships, utilising best practices and cross-cutting solutions to improve the overall learning achievements of children in our adopted schools.

Since the Foundation was established by Oando PLC in 2011, we have adopted 88 public primary schools across 23 states in Nigeria spanning the six geo-political zones.

Youth unemployment rate in Nigeria increased to 33.10 per cent in the third quarter of 2017 from 29.50 per cent in the second quarter of 2017. We believe education is the greatest investment to secure sustainable development in the continent You will agree that with me that the Education sector in Nigeria is in dire need of intervention at all levels, we cannot fold our hands and leave the government alone to fix, hence the Foundation’s commitment to improving overall learning outcomes of children in public primary schools.
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