Rewards don’t improve school attendance

Image result for 'Rewards don't improve school attendance'It’s the back-to-school season – and many young people may be feeling reluctant about returning for the start of another academic year. Many schools there are deliberate attempts to boost attendance by giving rewards, school prizes and commendations to those who have the best records for not missing any lessons.

But do such prizes really change behaviour?

According to a large-scale study of secondary school students in California in the US, awards for good school attendance seem to make no significant difference – and in some circumstances, could make absenteeism worse.

The study, published by the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in Massachusetts, examined the effect of rewards schemes on more than 15,000 students in 14 school districts in California.


Researchers, including Carly Robinson, found that if prizes were promised in advance, it made no difference to whether pupils attended.

If the rewards were retrospective, in recognition of high levels of attendance, it seemed to have a negative impact on the winners’ future school attendance.

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