Apple CEO Tim Cook: Education is a great equalizing force

Apple CEO Tim Cook and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai visit with Lebanese and Syrian students in Beirut, Lebanon.

Apple CEO and philanthropist Tim Cook announced today a partnership with Nobel Peace Prize-winner Malala Yousafzai and her Malala Fund as part of the tech company’s latest efforts to support global education initiatives.

“We believe that education is a great equalizing force and we share Malala Fund’s commitment to give every girl an opportunity to go to school,” Cook said in a news release.

Yousafzai was shot in 2012 by a Taliban gunman for advocating women’s education. Since then, she has become a renowned activist for equal rights. As of fall 2017, the 20-year-old is studying at the University of Oxford.

Source : CNBC