Experts say school girls should not be flogged

Experts say school girls should not be flogged

Teachers administer corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes on students especially in public schools. The punishment, which involves flogging the erring student either on the buttocks or on the hands with a whip, is meant to create a more disciplined environment.

On the other hand, while scores of educationists are of the view that corporal punishment is a humiliating way of instilling discipline and should be abolished, others believe that without it, students may take a wrong turn in life.

Recently, there was huge public outrage in Nasarawa State following a viral video on social media showing the clip of a male teacher caning female students of Government Science Secondary School Nassarawa-Eggon on their buttocks, over lateness. The state government swiftly reacted by abrogating corporal punishment in schools and suspended some teachers from the said school

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