OAU Sex For Mark: Monica Osagie Scored 45 And Not 33

A post- graduate student of the Department of Management and Accounting, Obafemi Awolowo University , Ms . Monica Osagie, who accused Prof . Richard Akindele , of demanding sex from her to upgrade her mark has appeared before the committee set up by the university to investigate the scandal.

While narrating what happened during the meeting to journalists, she said Osagie scored 45 in the course which Akindele taught her and not 33 that the lecturer claimed that she scored.

“ The school reaffirmed that she passed and that she scored 45 and not 33 and the man (prof .) did not give her mark . Apparently the man was using the 33 as a bait to get her.

“ She talked about her understanding of what happened. She talked about the fact that she is a good student and that she passed all her courses. That she shouldn’t have failed the course and that she checked and found out that she passed and that the 33 the man talked about must have been his (lecturer) imagination .
“ It must also have been a way of negotiating with her to get her to bow to his wish , which was the reason she recorded the conversation .”

Full Article : http://www.punchng.com/sex-for-mark-alleged-victim-monica-osagie-appears-before-oau-panel/