Oxford university disowns Chris Imafidon

Our records show that Chris Imafidon has no affiliation with Oxford University or any of its colleges or departments – Varsity’s media relations manager

The University of Oxford has disclaimed that a Nigerian, Chris Imafidon is a professor at the university.

Saturday PUNCH on November 18, 2017, published an interview in which Imafidon claimed that he had overcome autism to achieve greatness and that no child was born with an inferior gene. The interview went viral on the web, where his rich profile abounds and appears at every search of his name.

Questions were raised by concerned members of the public after the publication of the interview.

Local and some international media have described Imafidon as a professor at Oxford University and at other times, as a professor of University of Oxford (Keble College). However, in their responses to Saturday PUNCH’s enquiries, University of Oxford and one of its independent constituent institutions, Keble College, denied having any connection with him.

Over the last two weeks, Saturday PUNCH has then made several efforts to get Imafidon to substantiate his purported link with the Oxford University or Keble College.

Source : Punch